Civil & roading construction contractor Fulton Hogan required their fleet of asphalt tankers re-skinned in bright annealed, cold-rolled stainless steel. These asphalt carrying tankers sit atop semi-trailers and feature diesel burner heaters powered by generators to keep the product heated for delivery. The bright annealed (BA) stainless steel cladding has a super shiny mirror finish to reflect heat and add durability & safety.
Agnew Engineering received the refurbished tanks blasted and painted and ready for encasing in sheets of BA stainless steel.
Agnew innovation came to the fore and won the praises of a Fulton Hogan executive from Australia. Quite the accolade for a practical application that now sets the standard.
“Basically, we came up with a more watertight way to rivet the sheets so there were no gaps and no exterior rivets visible,” Brain says “It looked a lot smarter than the way they were doing them in Australia and we were told we’re the best at cladding them on either side of the Tasman.”
The result is a striking look and practical protection for bitumen tankers used frequently by the national roading contractor in the course of its duty. BA Stainless Steel is long-lasting, non-corrosive cladding which will stand the test of time.